
  • AMCA Journal of Community Development

    AMCA Journal of Community Development (AJCD) is an official international journal published by the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) which emphasizes community development. Editorial Boards from various countries in ASEAN consisting of experts in the fields of Agriculture, Anthropology, Behavioral Sciences, Cross-Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Economic Behavior, Education, Family, Human Resource Management, Law, Politics, Psychology, Religion and Philosophy, and Social Sciences. AJCD is issued twice a year (January and July). The journal is published in the online version, and the online version is free access and download.

    e-ISSN 2774-6178

  • AMCA Journal of Science and Technology

    AMCA Journal of Science and Technology (AJST) is the official international journal published by the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) which emphasizes on Science and Technology used in daily life. AJST publishes scientific research as an international forum for the dissemination, discussion, and critical review of science and technology information informed by scientific research. Through the publication of this journal can provide benefits for the development of science and technology and its impact, as well as a means of discussion for researchers in the field of science and technology. AJST is issued twice a year (February and August). The journal is published in the online version, is free access and download.

    e-ISSN 2774-8324 

  • AMCA Journal of Religion and Society

    AMCA Journal of Religion and Society (AJRS) is an official international journal published by the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) which emphasizes the study of religion and its role in society. AJRS publishes scholarly work from interdisciplinary in the religion and societies related to religion. The journal aims to provide publication of refereed and high-quality papers in all areas of religion. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to the topic interest. The scope of the area in the field of studies includes Sociology, Anthropology, Behavioral Science, Cross-Cultural Studies, Education, Politics, Psychology, and Philosophy, Social Science, and other related fields. Through the publication of this journal, it can provide benefits for the development of religious treasures, the role and position of religion as a solution to social problems, as well as a means of discussion for researchers in the field of religion and society. AJRS is issued twice a year (March and September). The journal is published in the online version, is free access and download.

    e-ISSN 2775-2550

  • AMCA Journal of Education and Behavioral Change

    AMCA Journal of Education & Behavioral Change (AJEB) is an official international journal published by the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) that emphasizes the study and implications of education and the process of behaviour change. This journal aims to provide the publication of high-quality reference papers in the field of education. Contributions are received from all relevant and insightful areas of behavior change. AJEB is issued twice a year (April and October). The journal is published in the online version, is free access and download. 

    e-ISSN 2776-1185

  • AMCA Journal of Health & Wellness

    AMCA Journal of Health & Wellness (AJHW) is an official international journal published by the Association of Muslim Community in ASEAN (AMCA) that emphasizes the study and discusses a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. AJHW publishes scientific papers from original research, review articles, studies and articles, book reviews, and case studies with the theme about health, human quality, wellness and meaningfull of life. This paper emphasizes the study of physical and psychological health and its implications for human growth until ageing. This journal aims to provide the publication of high-quality reference papers and contributions are received from all relevant and insightful areas in the field of health and wellness. AJHW is issued twice a year (May and November). The journal is published in the online version, is free access and download.