Is it feasible to design learning media "Tomato Plant Growth" hydroponically based on the discovery learning model?


  • Lili Dahliani IPB University Vocational School, Indonesia
  • Md. Anisur Rahman Dhaka University, Bangladesh



discovery learning, hydroponics, learning media, plant cultivation courses, tomato plants


Information technology has significantly transformed various facets of life, including education, specifically the learning process in higher education. Integrating information technology in education has empowered students to create and utilize diverse digital learning resources. Mobile devices play a vital role in improving student learning outcomes in hydroponic plant growing lessons when used as an additional tool with demonstration and discovery learning approaches, often known as demons-disco learning. This course utilizes hydroponic techniques and mobile devices to improve students' understanding and skill in cultivating vegetables. Mobile applications offer innovative experiences in information and communication technology and opportunities for students to engage in self-directed learning. The chosen learning methodology involves imparting extensive knowledge, a thorough understanding of many components and variations, and an assessment through inquiries about the cultivation of hydroponic plants. Thus, a teacher must develop instructional material that helps students overcome difficulties associated with cultivating hydroponic plants. This study employed a research and development (R&D) approach to fabricate a product, encompassing three of the four research phases: definition (identifying possibilities and issues, gathering data), product design, and development (validating the design, improving the design, and testing the product). Nevertheless, this research is limited to the third phase, notably the validation phase. The findings suggest that the THD (Tomato-Hydroponic-Demonsdisco) learning media is suitable for use. This article will thoroughly analyze THD media and its utilization in lectures.


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Canva media hidroponik




How to Cite

Dahliani, L., & Rahman, M. A. (2024). Is it feasible to design learning media "Tomato Plant Growth" hydroponically based on the discovery learning model?. AMCA Journal of Community Development, 4(1), 19–26.