Weaving Muhammadiyah educational hope: Implementation of behavior theory in the curriculum
behavior theory, curriculum, implementation, muhammadiyah educationAbstract
Education is one of the main pillars of building people's character and knowledge. Muhammadiyah, one of the most prominent Islamic Education and da'wah organizations in Indonesia, continues to strive to improve the quality of education through various innovations and the implementation of relevant educational theories. This study examines the implementation of behavioural theory in the Muhammadiyah education curriculum and how this implementation contributes to realizing educational expectations in Indonesia. Using a systematic literature review (SLR) method with a bibliometric approach from publications from the last ten years 2014-2024), this research identifies various learning strategies and practices implemented by Muhammadiyah educational institutions in adopting the principles of behaviour theory. The study results show that the behavioristic approach has been integrated into the Muhammadiyah education curriculum through positive reinforcement, behaviour modification, and results-based learning. Implementing this behavioural theory has contributed significantly to improving the quality of learning and developing student character, which aligns with Muhammadiyah's values and principles. This research provides new insights regarding the potential for integrating behavioural theory in Islamic education and its contribution to achieving broader educational goals.
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