Developing supplementary listening materials for vocational high school students using technology, education, and design (ted) online media


  • Andree Rivan Kurniawan University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia



developing material, listening skills, distance learning, TED, supplementary material


This study used an adapted the research and development designed by Hyland (2003) (1), which consisted of eight stages, namely(1) Need analysis, (2) Carrying Out Survey, (3) Developing the Product, (4) Experts Validation, (5) Revision I, (6) Product Try Out, (7) Revision II, and (8) Final Product. The instruments used in the need analysis were a questionnaire, an interview guide, and a classroom observation sheet. The students’ data were calculated in percentages, and those from the teacher interview and classroom observation were described qualitatively. The data from the need analysis
were used as a basic consideration for material development. The story of ”Golden Cucumber” was chosen based on the result of need analysis which most of the students did not know about the ”Golden Cucumber” story because moreover, they like to read foreign folktales. From the”Golden Cucumber” story,
the students can learn to keep survive when they meet problems and not give up. Questionnaires were provided for the validation of language and the validation of the media. The result of these questionnaires was used to revise the product before the try-out. Some revisions are based on the expert’s validation stage, such as grammatical errors in the narration of the story, worksheet, and unsuitable between text with some pictures. The expert and teacher data were analysed qualitatively, while data from the try-out were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. The try-out was conducted once on Thursday, 9 October 2020. It was carried out in Class X Networking 4 that consisted of thirty-nine students. The result from the questionnaires showed that the students liked the video animation and could answer the questions. That been showed with the average score of all the students was 86.6. They were interested in watching the video animation entitled Golden Cucumber. The data obtained from the questionnaires also showed that 55% of students said that the media really helped them, and 45% of students said that the video animation quite helped them to understand the story and answer the questions.




How to Cite

Kurniawan, A. R. (2021). Developing supplementary listening materials for vocational high school students using technology, education, and design (ted) online media. AMCA Journal of Education and Behavioral Change, 1(1), 8–12.