Reinforcement of Islamic education in the revolution era of society 5.0


  • Puji University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Indonesia



Reinforcement, Islamic education learning, Society 5.0


Islamic education in society 5.0 faces various complex problems, lack of adequate resources, lack of teachers’, lecturers’, and educational personnel’s competence. Addiction to technology causes students to lose their character and morals. Increasing the competence of teachers and students is
significant to face the challenges. The three main pillar components that need to be possessed by each component are (a) ability to solve problems, (b) ability to think critically, (c) ability to be creative. This study aimed to describe the implementation of the strengthening of Islamic Education learning in the
era of community revolution 5.0. This research uses a qualitative approach to the type of literature study research. The author will explore the data according to the discussion in this study, then collect them for analysis. Data analysis was carried out in three stages: data reduction, data presentation,
conclusion drawing, or data verification. The study results show that the reinforcement of Islamic Education learning in the community revolution era was 5.0. by integrating Islamic religious values into KDP values. This integration is to overcome the children’s moral crisis in the era of community
life 5.0. The use of digital technology as a learning medium is the right step to balance the needs of society 5.0. Thus, the welfare and quality of life of the people increases. Especially the needs of all elements in the field of education.




How to Cite

Puji. (2021). Reinforcement of Islamic education in the revolution era of society 5.0. AMCA Journal of Religion and Society, 1(1), 4–7.