Quality of education in government and government-assisted schools in Sierra Leone
Curriculum, Education, Evaluations, Policy, StandardsAbstract
International organizations and the majority of nations have prioritized quality education in their development strategies over the past several decades. The discourse is characterized by statements such as achieving universal access to education, assuring educational completion, and increasing school enrollment rates, all of which emphasize the importance of improving education in government and government-aided schools. This study's objective was to assess the quality of education in government and government-aided schools in Khalifa Rowala Chiefdom, Magburaka Municipality, Northern Sierra Leone: The Case of Magburaka Public High School for Boys and Magburaka Tonkolili District National Commercial High School. Quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilized with a total sample size of fifty (50). Two (2) schools, twenty (20) teachers, ten (10) from each school, four (4) school parents, two (2) from each school, twenty (20) pupils, ten (10) from each school, and six (6) Education Officers (MBSSE staff) participated in this study. Interviews, focus group discussions, and questionnaires were employed to capture data, which was subsequently analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). According to these results, there is still much work to be done before educational quality is truly realized. Overall, a meaningful school self-evaluation (SSE) of educational quality will be conducted, and teachers from different schools will be able to evaluate themselves based on the topic of the research. In addition, standard instruments are required to assess the efficacy of school education. In the article discussing the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education's recommendations for these institutions to comply with the Primary and Senior Secondary School Curriculum Framework, the final study of this research is discussed in detail.
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