The influence of animated macros-based PowerPoint learning media on the learning outcomes


  • Mariya Ulva Khasanah UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Umy Zahroh



animation, learning outcomes, macros, powerpoint


The objectives of this study are: (1) To determine the learning outcomes of students taught with animated macros-based PowerPoint learning media. (2) To determine the learning outcomes of students taught by conventional methods. (3) To analyze the influence of animated macros-based PowerPoint learning media on the learning outcomes of grade VII students of SMPN 2 Kalidawir. Quantitative research approach with Quasi-Experimental Design type. The population in this study is all grade VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kalidawir for the 2022/2023 school year. The sample in this study was class VII A, an experimental class with a total of 20 students, and class VII B, a control class with 21 students with purposive sampling techniques. The data collection techniques used are tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used is an independent t-test. The results showed that (1) Student learning outcomes scores when using Macros Animation-based PowerPoint media obtained an average score of 86.00. (2) Student learning outcomes scores obtained an average score of 78.43 when using conventional methods. (3) Macros Animation-Based PowerPoint learning media influences the learning outcomes.




How to Cite

Khasanah, M. U., & Zahroh, U. (2023). The influence of animated macros-based PowerPoint learning media on the learning outcomes. AMCA Journal of Education and Behavioral Change, 3(2), 60–63.