"Lala and Lulu" stories: developing android-based social media for autistic children to learn social interaction
Android-based social media, Autistic Children , Social Interaction, Social StoriesAbstract
Autistic children encounter a distinct difficulty, namely in social contact. As a result, children with autism may face difficulties when participating in social interactions in their society. Thus, it is crucial to implement strategies that might improve the social skills of children with autism. A practical approach entails the application of social storytelling. Furthermore, there is a noticeable rise in the complexity of technological innovations, exemplified by the prevalence of mobile phones. Cell phones, especially those operating on the Android platform, provide many benefits when combined with internet access and various supplementary features. This study aims to develop an Android-based social media platform that enhances social interaction skills for children diagnosed with autism. The study aims to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of this platform. This study entails conducting research and engaging in development activities using the 4D development strategy, which encompasses design stages, definition, development, and dissemination. Questionnaires are utilized as a means of gathering data. The assessment components of material consist of material attributes, language attributes, and implementation attributes. The assessment aspect of media involves both the technical aspects of software engineering and the visual communication parts. The material expert's evaluation of social media platforms based on the Android operating system resulted in a satisfactory classification, with only minimal adjustments needed to ensure precise and reliable information. The media expert's assessment was accurately classified, with ample content requiring minimal modifications. Based on expert assessments, it is recommended to conduct limited testing on students until the shortcomings of Android-based social media have been resolved. The article will comprehensively discuss the analytical method and media development.
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