The slidesgo platform is a solution for teaching "building space" in the era of independent learning during the pandemic


  • Choirudin Choirudin Institut Agama Islam Ma'arif NU (IAIMNU) Metro Lampung
  • Anindita Verliana Ridho'i Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Rani Darmayanti Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia



build space, covid-19, freedom to learn, slidesgo platform


The school's e-learning page is used for Distance Learning (PJJ). To keep up with changes in the world, YALC Pasuruan Middle School also moves and delays all of its learning activities. These activities include field practice, lab practice, multimedia practice, and other types of exercise. YALC Pasuruan Middle School set up technical learning tasks and told all students to study at home. Online classes are used at YALC Pasuruan Middle School. The Slidesgo app is a critical way to learn, especially when you are learning from afar. The Slidesgo app is helpful for things that need to be seen. Building space is one of these things. Teachers and students can reach their learning goals with the

help of the Slidesgo Platform for building tools. Some teachers still use easy tools like slides, documents, photos, and drawings to help students learn. This study aims to determine what building materials-related online learning tools teachers need based on the Slidesgo Platform. Study and development is the type of study that is done. Questionnaires sent out through Google Forms were used to collect data. Some research analysis methods include needs analysis, literature review, small-scale research, and planning to make a research framework. The study shows that math teachers in junior high schools and similar levels in Pasuruan Regency need online learning tools like the Slidesgo Platform to help students build their spatial skills. The study concludes that learning media like the Slidesgo Platform need to be created so that teachers can get students more interested in learning and help them understand spatial building material better


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How to Cite

Choirudin, C., Ridho’i, A. V., & Darmayanti, R. (2021). The slidesgo platform is a solution for teaching "building space" in the era of independent learning during the pandemic. AMCA Journal of Religion and Society, 1(2), 47–52.