Google sites can be used to design islamic-based "circle" material modules. Is this valid?


  • Akhsanul In'am University of Muhammadiyah, Malang, Indonesia
  • Nadiya Itsnaini Rachmawati Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Wasiattul Maghfiroh Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia



circles, googlesite, mathematics learning, teaching module


The difficulty in studying circular material is that circular material is often encountered and applied in everyday mathematical problems. Some students have difficulty learning and understanding the concept of circles. This research aims to design a learning module based on Google pages for class eight Madrasah Tsanawiyah group documents. The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the Tessmer model, including 4 stages: independent assessment, expert assessment, and individual, small group, and field trials. This study only used self-reports, expert assessments, and personal interviews. The results of this research were obtained to construct a learning module with the "Very Valid" category. Meanwhile, the content of the learning module is in the "Quite Practical" category. Learning module design Based on the Google website, this circle document can be used as teaching material


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How to Cite

In’am, A., Rachmawati, N. I. ., & Maghfiroh, W. (2021). Google sites can be used to design islamic-based "circle" material modules. Is this valid?. AMCA Journal of Religion and Society, 1(2), 53–59.