Contemporary PAI learning: technology-based learning media for character education in Era 4.0


  • Sultan Adi Pratama Yayasan Assyfa Learning Centre (YALC) Pasuruan, Indonesia
  • Hafiz Syed Arsalan Gilani The University of Lahore, Pakistan
  • M. Ainun Naim MTs Sunan Ampel Kraton Pasuruan, Indonesia



Contemporary PAI learning, Character Education, Society Era 4.0, Technology-Based Learning


Society Era technology has changed Islamic religious education (PAI) 4.0 to match modern needs. PAI would boost classroom flexibility in Society 4.0. Technology-based learning tools will help students adapt to these fast-changing times, offering new and essential learning experiences. This study examines PAI teachers' best utilisation of technology-based learning tools. Character development is studied using technology. PAI educators face obstacles and responsibilities in technology-based character education. 4.0. Descriptive-qualitative literature reviews extract crucial information from academic journals, periodicals, brochures, and websites. Sinta and Mendeley Web-assisted Scopus index. This essay supports morality in Society 4.0 through PAI technical training. The literature review covers 2010–2021 scientific studies. Cheerful and active instruction (PAI) studies on technology-based character education learning media are reviewed here. It shows how this strategy prepares pupils for socialisation. According to research, technology-based learning in PAI teacher education accelerates scientific and technical developments and improves national education. Children can develop character through technology-based learning. This study examines PAI teachers' role and challenges in adopting technology-based learning to enhance students' texture in society. 4.0. Effective teaching and learner-centred approaches will be assessed to generate engaged, imaginative, inventive, and analytical pupils. Islamic religious education requires children to discover their strengths and develop essential skills. People can engage in the fourth industrial revolution and attain goals.


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How to Cite

Pratama, S. A., Gilani, H. S. A., & Naim, M. A. (2021). Contemporary PAI learning: technology-based learning media for character education in Era 4.0. AMCA Journal of Religion and Society, 1(2).