Effectiveness of learning media with diverse applications for mental impairment pupils' science knowledge
Cognitive impairments, Effectiveness Learning Media, Mentally Disabled Students, Visual MediaAbstract
Students with cognitive impairments possess intellectual capacities, or IQs, that fall below the average range of typical youngsters, resulting in challenges comprehending abstract subjects like science. Nevertheless, there exist methods that can enhance their comprehension, specifically by employing educational resources that align with their aptitudes. This study aims to assess the efficacy of utilising diverse educational tools from multiple applications to enhance the comprehension of science subjects among students with intellectual disabilities. This study employs the systematic literature review (SLR) approach, utilising online article databases such as SINTA, GARUDA, ERIC, and Google Scholar. The reviewed publications encompassed a total of eight articles, focusing on the areas of "Effectiveness of Learning Media," "Students with Mental Impairment," and "Science Learning for Students with Mental Impairment." The studies were published between 2013 and 2023. The review findings indicate that using instructional media during the educational process for students with intellectual disabilities significantly enhances their comprehension of scientific content. The primary learning materials utilised are predominantly derived from diverse apps that integrate teaching and entertainment, encompassing films, games, visual media like photographs, and other resources tailored to the requirements of individuals with intellectual disabilities. The effectiveness of using learning media in science education for mentally disabled students to implement the 2013 curriculum has been demonstrated. This is particularly true when the learning medium is tailored to the needs of mentally disabled students, resulting in improved comprehension of scientific concepts
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