Theme of some selected scholars' views regarding Islamic banking (analytical study of Youtube videos)
Conventional banking, Interest, Islamic banking, Permitted, ScholarsAbstract
This paper investigates scholars' views regarding Islamic banking. This paper is different from a general analytical study of printed material. This is because videos on YouTube regarding Islamic banking are briefly analyzed in this. Scholars’ Videos show different ways to present their point of view regarding Islamic banking. Some scholars’ views are brief, while others have used historical and descriptive styles. Some scholars used comparative methodology to differentiate Islamic banking from conventional banking systems. Some scholars have presented views about the formation and implantation of Islamic banking with the collective formation of rules uniform in all schools of thought of Islam. This means that the past and present of Islamic banking and conventional are discussed while some present uniform acceptable norms to all schools of thought for the future. Furthermore, this paper presents the theme of spoken words by scholars in the shape of written material, which may be seen, read, and preserved for analysis and future reference. In short, this paper presents scholars' views about interest as some opine that there is no vivid difference between conventional and Islamic banking regarding interest rate application and prohibition
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